Awakening The Infinite Potential In Kids With MeditationG
MeditationG is a method that can help improve kids’ thinking ability to be sharper, enhance their long-term concentration, increase their inference and especially improve the ability to be patient that any kids should work on…
Many parents are extremely surprised with their children’s peaceful and carefree faces while they are meditating at Vo Tan Khong’s MeditationG class for kids… That is the practice to improve the inherent focus ability in each kid and it is best promoted by meditating… Because of that, they become more courageous, their inner potential will be awakened which gives them the confidence to do what they want…
All kids are constantly active either playing or thinking, there is no break, so if they can just keep their eyes closed for a few minutes, it is already an amazing turning point… The potential inside of them will be awakened at a very young age… As a result, the efficiency of meditationG provides kids the ability to control their mind in every action and clearly improves the language in each of their sayings… Orienting them to calmness and easily balancing the emotions inside… Through that, kids can initiatively express more feelings towards their grandparents as well as parents, also easily get along well with other relationships such as brothers, sisters and friends…
Vo Tan Khong’s MeditationG method for kids is integrated with both activeness and inactiveness in every game and activity suiting different ages… There are games that help increase kids’ focus… MeditationG is not just about sitting, in fact, whatever activities that can make kids highly concentrated, then that is meditationG…
Along with those activities, they can have a chance to naturally absorb some interesting theories aiming at expanding their viewpoint on life through very usual concepts…
For kids who are unable to meditate yet, they can still have a concept and get familiar with peaceful meditationG-sitting through the images of older brothers and sisters meditating. After a period of time taking part in Vo Tan Khong’s MeditationG class for kids, the parents are very happy seeing their children getting more mature day by day with very clear changes from health to the high concentration in learning…
The MeditationG class for kids of Vo Tan Khong’s MeditationG was established and led by Master Nghi Thanh Tran… This is the first and only class that guides children from 2 to 18 years old… In the spirit of sharing new learning methods to help kids be more peaceful and develop their thinking, the class is totally free of charge…
Master Nghi Thanh Tran… enlightens… MeditationG… for all…
Great for all… whom enlightened by Master Nghi Thanh Tran…
Master Nghi Thanh Tran… MeditationG… Vo Tan Khong…
The ThienG babies are calm and peaceful, but their minds reach out to infinity… so wonderful…
Kids are improved their thinking, getting more mature and peaceful… These things are exactly what parents hope for their children…
Master Nghi Thanh Tran creates Vo Tan Khong Meditation class for Kids…
Master Nghi Thanh Tran enlightens all…
Master Nghi Thanh Tran is sharing MeditationG… for all… I love Vo Tan Khong…
It’s so great… to be a Nhiêner of Vo Tan Khong…
Kids Meditation… Vo Tan Khong… where Kids can be as They are…
It is great that meditationG can awake potential ability in kids…
Master Nghi Thanh Tran enlightens The Nhieng for all…
Every body can take meditation day by day… easy and easy once it’s enlightened by Master Nghi Thanh Tran… It’s so wonderful!
The meditation method enlightened by Master Nghi Thanh Tran is the first and only way for kids as well as anyone else to unite themselves with The Nhieng…
The Nature Theory of Master Nghi Thanh Tran helps us understand the Creator in this reality…
Being enlightened by Master Nghi Thanh Tran is the greatest thing…
Vo Tan Khong’s Meditation method for kids is integrated…
Master Nghi Thanh Tran enlightens Nhieng theory… through all limits…
The infinite potential in side of kid is awakened with Vo Tan Khong Meditation that enlightened by Master Nghi Thanh Tran…
All are watching the sharing from Master Nghi Thanh Tran…
The Meditation class for kids of Vo Tan Khong’s Meditation was established and led by Master Nghi Thanh Tran…
Great… Vo Tan Khong… being the whole… Crossing all boundaries…
Master Nghi Thanh Tran… has created the most miraculous meditation method ever that helps kids to unfold the infinite potentials within them…
Master Nghi Thanh Tran… the founder of Vo Tan Khong MeditationG…
MeditationG… Vo Tan Khong… Enlightened by Master Nghi Thanh Tran… all come together…
MeditationG spreads to infinity…
Master Nghi Thanh Tran… enlightens Vo Tan Khong MeditationG for All… the Great things in my life…
MeditationG Vo Tan Khong… Master Nghi Thanh Tran… For Child 2 – 18 years old… And for Everyone…
Trẻ Thiềng Vô Tận Không… Duy nhất chỉ có ở Vô Tận Không… Các Bé được chơi, học trọn vẹn trong những buổi học Thiềng…
Master Nghi Thanh Tran enlightens zenG… so great…
Nhiêng Thiềng của Sư Phụ Trần Thanh Nghị khai sáng rất vi diệu…
Sư Phụ Trần Thanh Nghị kiến tạo thể thiềng vô tận cho tất cả… hoà nhiêng cùng chung…
Nhiêng… Vô Tận Không… lan tỏa vô tận…
Vô Tận Không… sẻ chia vô tận…
Vo Tan Khong MeditationG… creates The Nhieng for all…
Vo Tan Khong MeditationG… whom enlightened by Master Nghi Thanh Tran…
Vô Tận Không… lan toả muôn nơi…